K Pheasant Hunting

 Some of North America's Best Wild Pheasant Hunting

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Southwest North Dakota Pheasant Hunting

 We suggest that you have completed the following check list before you arrive
  • Hunting license.  You will need hunter safety permit if born after 1961. Click here for online license:  https://secure.apps.state.nd.us/gnf/onlineservices/lic/public/online/lic/customerpurchase.htm 
  • Shotgun, with plug, capable of holding a maximum of three shells.  
  • Shells.  These are NOT pen raised OR released pheasants.  These pheasants are wild.  They are born in the wild from wild pheasants.  After 60 plus years of hunting pheasants on this farm and this part of the state, and thousands of wild birds killed, We REQUIRE that you shoot  a minimum 12 gauge, lead, four or five shot.  We recommend that you shoot 12 gauge 3" magnum 4 or 5 shot.   Your are not saving any money by shooting lighter loads.
    If you shoot lighter loads, you'll shoot more shells and wound, cripple and lose too many pheasants.
  • Be a true sportsman – Bring the correct firearm and the correct ammunition.  Hunt with enough firepower to get the job done with a clean kill.
  • Orange hat and orange vest
  • Hunting vest to carry your birds
  • Approved safety shooting glasses - DO NOT WEAR TINTED GLASSES

    Weather can be downright cold anytime after late October, however, we are in the mild part of the state and it is not uncommon to be hunting in jackets and unlined gloves in December.  Most winters here are snowless, or very light snow cover.
  • light leather gloves for early morning shooting
  • lightly lined gloves anytime after Nov 1 or as you may need
  • waterproof boots for crossing creeks
  • insulated boots for pheasant hunting anytime after October 20th
  • Layers of windproof clothing
  • A warm hat if the weather is to be cool
  • Click here for temperature averages and extremes: https://weather.com/weather/monthly/l/42426ec141ad6c84e2671be7a31bab7f40d96a9de197743b076655aad9c123f9


Please call me, Kerry Schorsch, 701-579-4703 if you have any questions or to book your hunt.






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K Pheasant Hunting
6358 111th Ave SW
New England, ND 58647

Email:  kerry@pheasanthunt.com


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